God ~ Encouragement ~ Mentorship
GEM Ministry for Moms is a non-denominational Christian ministry that encourages and equips women in the important life stage of parenting preteens - teens - young adults. We hold six gatherings during the school year to hear a speaker, discuss a relevant topic, apply scripture, and experience Biblically-based mentorship found among our community of moms. Our goal is strengthening families.
Are you experiencing the ups and downs of parenting this wonderful yet tumultuous stage? Join with moms for an evening of fellowship, encouragement and equipping. Enjoy a forum with presentations and discussions. Be inspired by wisdom in scripture and insights from moms who have journeyed similar paths.
Our leadership team is comprised of moms from various stages of life and backgrounds. Among us we have kids ranging from grade school to college and beyond. We've navigated public and private schools. We have suffered divorce and death in marriage. We've cared for aging parents and we've lost parents. We've navigated life threatening challenges alongside our sons and daughters. We've welcomed sons and daughters-in law into our families. Two of us are grandmothers. We represent seven different churches. We cherish our community of moms and understand this is a vivid and meaningful time of parenting. Above all, we believe God desires us to mentor and fortify each other. Let's gather together to reclaim the joy and adventure in parenting teens.
"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel"
~ Proverbs 20:15 ~
GEMs of Wisdom
Topics have included:
"The Adventure of Parenting Your Teen" by Debbie Alsdorf of Design4Living Ministries
"Moving from Surviving to Thriving: One Mom's Personal Journey" by Pastor Cathy Burkholder of Community Presbyterian Church
"To Date or Not to Date That is the Question - or is it?" by Pastor Chris Oliveri of Clayton Valley Church
"Got Personality? Understanding Our Differences" by Pastor Dave and Debbie Price of Rolling Hills Community Church
"Social Media" by Sean Donohue from Teen Esteem
"Counterintuitive" by Tyler Durman of Bite Sized Wisdom
"Facing Our Fears" by Pastor Darrin Jones
"Image Bearing vs Image Casting" by Pastor Jeff Reed of Hillside Covenant Church
Date, Time & Location
Six events. 2nd Wednesday of the months following the 2016-2017 school year:
September 14, October 12, November 9 and February 8, March 8, April 12
7:00 pm ~ 8:30 pm
The Alamo Women's Club
1401 Danville Blvd
Alamo, CA
Our New Location is the Alamo Women's Club
How to Help
The suggested donation is $20 for the season. We are a 501c3 non-profit. Your tax deductible donations are appreciated to help this volunteer effort. A donation jar is available at the event. Or for your convenience, a donation button is near the bottom of this page and a receipt will be sent by email